
I have always been enchanted by candles and the coziness they bring to any space. When shopping, I can never resist buying a candle or two. But one day, when I looked into the ingredients of my commercially bought candles, I was disappointed. My research led me to discover that candles could be made with pure, natural elements. I wanted my candles not only to be non-toxic but also visually appealing. So, I created Tracy's Apothecary Candles, signature candles made of stunning glass jars with a hand-blown glass cloche. I personally design every aspect, from the ingredients to the labels, photos, packaging, and overall branding. As I started sharing my candles on social media, people showed interest in buying them, and that's how my small business came to life. I am proud to say that my candles are made with clean, non-toxic, and natural ingredients, and I make them with you in mind. I hope you enjoy my creations.